il testo è preso dall'elaborazione in inglese su questo sito dell'originale ebraico che sta qui, per cui l'assemblaggio non è identico all'originale
Three decades ago, Hadash coined the slogan: “Two states for two peoples.” Hadash’s plan for establishing peace in the region is based on the evacuation of all the territories occupied in 1967, the dismantling of the settlements, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel, and a just solution to the problem of the Palestinian refugees in accordance with the UN resolutions. A comprehensive, sustainable, just peace agreement includes establishing peace with all the neighboring states, based on the borders of June 4th, 1967, which includes returning the Golan Heights to Syria. Jerusalem will be the capital of two states: Israel and Palestine. Israel will withdraw from East Jerusalem, which will become the capital of Palestine. Over the years, Israel has become an American satellite state in the Middle East, which actively promotes American interests around the world. Hadash supports an independent and sovereign Israel that is economically, politically and militarily independent of America. Other features of the plan include: cutting the military budget in half by canceling all existing war plans and by evacuating the occupied territories in the framework of a just and stable peace agreement. Hadash opposes terrorism in all its forms, including state terrorism as practiced by Israel. Hadash opposes terrorism on the part of both groups and individuals, and supports democratic and political struggles of the masses. Hadash advocates prohibiting the development, the testing and the use of weapons of mass destruction in all forms. Hadash supports demilitarizing the Middle East (including Israel and Iran) and ridding the region of all weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, chemical and biological.
il programma è stato completato prima della guerra, ma Hadash si è espressa in merito organizzando manifestazioni contro l'attacco a Gaza
Hadash opposes the capitalist and neoliberal policies adopted by the Israeli governments during the past several decades with the support of the large political parties: Kadima, Likud and Labor. Hadash advocates strengthening the welfare state by enlarging the scope of the social rights of the State’s Jewish and Arab citizens − the right to work, the right to housing, the right to unionize − and by setting new priorities based on a just distribution of national income. Hadash also calls for a cessation of the privatization of social services. Hadash supports lowering the taxes levied on workers and increasing those levied on employers − particularly banks, financial concerns and large-scale employers; imposing a real tax on stock market profits; and annulling all privatizations without compensation. Hadash also supports repealing the reductions made in recent years to National Insurance benefits: unemployment, old age and child allowances.
Hadash anticipates that the global capitalist crisis will have a massive impact on the Israeli economy and has prepared a detailed plan calling for workers, young adults, women and pensioners to promote the immediate measures necessary to protect Israeli society from the consequences of the deepening economic crisis. The major features of the plan are: guaranteeing employment and restoring unemployment benefits to their pre-2001 levels; thoroughly overhauling the operating methods employed by the new pension funds and basing the pensions on the principle of a guaranteed rate of the salary and on earmarked government bonds; selling and renting government-built residential units and state land at low prices as a means of lowering housing costs; raising the corporate tax to 40% and employer contributions to National Insurance to 10% of employee wages. Other features of the plan include: cutting the military budget in half by canceling all existing war plans and by evacuating the occupied territories in the framework of a just and stable peace agreement; accelerating the development of renewable energy sources and the desalinization of sea water; restoring all funds diverted from the education and higher education systems, and implementing the Winograd Commission recommendations regarding the reduction of university tuition. Hadash supports a comprehensive policy of environmental protection and the adoption of principles of environmental justice − which includes taking decisive action against the financial interests that lie behind environmental destruction; special protection for the residents of areas in which industry is concentrated, and promoting equal use of all environmental resources; as well as an end to the privatization of environmental infrastructures that deal with land, transportation, water and the provision of energy.
Dalle altre risposte contenute nel sito olandese si deduce che a livello di mecccanismi politici Hadash è contro il premierato forte e contro il maggioritario, mentre è a favore della più completa libertà di parola (anche per gli antisionisti) e del potere dell'Alta Corte di Giustizia e della Corte Suprema di bloccare qualsiasi legge emanata dalla Knesset.
Hadash strives to effect the separation of religion and state, and of religion and politics. Hadash also advocates the ratification of a democratic constitution to safeguard basic human, civil and social rights, the secular character of the state and the equality of its citizens.
Hadash è anche a favore dei matrimoni civili (in Israele non esistono), della possibilità per le imprese di lavorare il sabato, dei tagli al finanziamento pubblico a sinagoghe e yeshivot (le scuole per rabbini).
Infine, l'intervista al compagno Ayman Auda: qui
giovedì 22 gennaio 2009
programma dei compagni israeliani di Hadash e intervista al segretario
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